
An Input-/Output test (IO-test) may consist of multiple test cases. For each test case, the framework runs the executable and provides it with the command-line arguments and stdin-input and checks if the obtained exit code, stdout-output and stderr-output match the expected values. If the output and error code does not match the expected values, the test is marked as failed, and the error messages generated by the framework are collected. Once all test cases have been run, the errors are returned as feedback for the student. In case no errors occur, the student gets the feedback that the IO-test has been run successfully.

An IO-test is defined in a domain-specific language (DSL). The DSL has been designed to write test cases concisely. Details on the DSL and example IO-test definitions are given further below. Additionally, for future versions of the framework, we plan to add the possibility to define IO-tests directly in the main test definition.

A particular case of IO-tests are replacement/substitution tests. For these kinds of tests, the framework performs a substitution of parts of the student’s code before recompiling and running an “ordinary” IO-test. These kinds of test cases can be useful to test code before input via command line parameters, or stdin processing are known to the students.

The error message

If an IO-test fails, the error message is divided into two sections: general overview and test case details. The details for each failed test case - depending on the adopted matching strategy (c.f. start> for details on matching strategies) - are:

  • Status: A summary of what was OK and what was not.

  • Commandline parameters: The command line parameters passed to the tested executable.

  • Input: The input piped to the tested executables stdin.

  • Obtained output on stdout: The obtained stdout-output produced by the analyzed executable if it was not as expected.

  • Expected output on stdout: The expected stdout-output.

  • Hint stdout: The hint indicating the necessary changes for the stdout-output (shown only if the analyzed stdout-output was not OK).

  • Obtained output on stderr: The obtained stderr-output produced by the analyzed executable if it was not as expected.

  • Expected output on stderr: The expected stderr-output.

  • Hint stderr: The hint indicating the necessary changes for the stderr-output (shown only if the analyzed stderr-output was not OK).

  • Tested code: Shows the code that is compiled and then tested after a Replacement and/or Substitution was performed.

  • Hint: The hint to clarify what could have gone wrong, in case one was set in the IO-test case definition.


If the output produced by the tested code contains characters outside of the ASCII range, the following error message is shown as part of the standard error messages Status section:

Your program generates output containing invalid characters that are outside of the ASCII
range (below 0 or above 127)!

Subsequently, two example error messages are given:

  1. An example error message for a program that should determine if the value assigned to the int-variable n is divisible by seven or not and print The number <n> is divisible by seven! or The number <n> is not divisible by seven! respectively. <n> should be replaced with the value of the variable n. The full example, including test definition and accepted solution, can be found here (Example 2)

  2. An example where a timeout error occurred.

More details about the error messages sections are given right after the examples.

Example 1:

Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:

                                      Test case

Correct return code! Expected: '0' Obtained: '0'
Wrong output on stdout!
Wrong output on stderr!

Commandline parameters (none)

Input (none)

- In line 4 of the tested code the value 11 assigned to n has been substituted with 5.

Obtained output on stdout
the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven

Expected output on stdout
The number 5 is not divisible by seven!

Hint stdout
[-t][+T]he number [11=>should change automatically if n changes!] is [-NOT][+not] divi[-s]sible by s[+e]ven[+!]

Obtained output on stderr
Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!

Expected output on stderr (none)

Hint stderr
[-Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!]

Tested code
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
    int n = 5;
    if (n % 7) {
        printf("the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven\n");
    } else {
        printf("the number %d is divissible by sven\n", n);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Hint (none)
No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!

Example 2:

Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:

                                      Test case

Timeout: The execution of your program was canceled since it did not finish after 1 seconds!
This might indicate that there is some unexpected behavior (e.g., an endless loop) or that
your program is very slow!

Commandline parameters (none)

Input (none)

Hint (none)
No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!


The Status-section of the test case details summarizes what went wrong and what was OK for the given test case. It is always comprised of three lines except if a timeout occurred and the test was aborted:

  • The first line states whether the return code generated by the analyzed program was correct or not. It also displays the expected and obtained return codes.

  • The second line states whether the output obtained on stderr was correct or not.

  • The third line states whether the output obtained on stdout was correct or not.

At least one of the three lines must be a negative message. Alternatively - in case of a timeout - this section contains the following message:

Timeout: The execution of your program was canceled since it did not finish after 5 seconds!
This might indicate that there is some unexpected behavior (e.g., an endless loop) or that
your program is very slow!

One of the two aforementioned cases is always true. Otherwise, the test case would not have failed.

Commandline parameters

The Commandline parameters-section of the test case details lists the command line arguments passed to the given test case’s executable. In case no command line parameters were passed to the executable (none) is added to the section title for clarification.

Each passed command line parameter is wrapped by double quotes (") multiple command line parameters are divided by a whitespace character. If, for example, a program was given the two parameters "p1" and "p2" and the exit code, stdout-output or stderr-output was not as expected, the Commandline parameters section would contain "p1" "p2"


This section is only shown if show_input is true. For more details about show_input and how it is used, see section Start.


The Input-section of the test case details lists the values passed to the executables stdin stream. In case nothing is passed to the stdin stream (none) is added to the section title for clarification.

Each input value is provided in a separate line. Strings are wrapped in double quotes and can span over more than one line while still counting as one input value.


This section is only shown if show_input is true. For more details about show_input and how it is used, see section Start.

Obtained output on stdout

The Obtained output on stdout-section of the test case details lists the output the executable produced on the stdout stream if it differs from the expected output. In case nothing was produced on the stdout stream and some kind of output was expected (none) is added to the section title for clarification.


This section is shown by default if the produced stdout-output is not as expected. It can be turned off by setting the show_output argument. For more details about show_output and how it is used, see section Start. Please note that by setting show_output=false for exact matching Obtained output on stderr is also turned off.

Expected output on stdout

The Expected output on stdout section of the test case details lists the output the analyzed executable is expected to produce on the stdout stream. In case nothing is expected on the stdout stream (none) is added to the section title for clarification. This section is only available for exact matching.


This section is not shown by default, but it can be turned on by setting the show_expected argument. For more details about show_expected and how it is used, see section start> matching="exact".

Hint stdout

The Hint stdout section of the test case details shows the necessary changes for the stdout-output (shown only if the analyzed output was not OK). This section is only available for exact matching.


This section is only shown if the analyzed output was not OK. Hints for stdout and stderr can be disabled, setting the show_diff argument. For more details about show_diff and how it is used, see section start> matching="exact".

Obtained output on stderr

The Obtained output on stderr-section of the test case details lists the output the executable produced on the stderr stream if it differs from the expected output. In case nothing was produced on the stderr stream and some kind of output was expected (none) is added to the section title for clarification.


This section is shown by default if the produced stderr-output is not as expected. It can be turned off by setting the show_error argument for regex and the show_output argument for exact matching. For more details about show_error and how it is used, see section start> matching="regex". Please note that by setting show_output=false for exact matching Obtained output on stdout is also turned off.

Expected output on stderr

The Expected output on stderr section of the test case details lists the output the analyzed executable is expected to produce on the stderr stream. In case nothing is expected on the stderr stream (none) is added to the section title for clarification. This section is only available for exact matching.


This section is not shown by default, but it can be turned on by setting the show_expected argument. For more details about show_expected and how it is used, see section start> matching="exact".

Hint stderr

The Hint stderr section of the test case details shows the necessary changes for the stderr-output (shown only if the analyzed output was not OK). This section is only available for exact matching.


This section is only shown if the analyzed output was not OK. Hints for stdout and stderr can be disabled, setting the show_diff argument. For more details about show_diff and how it is used, see section start> matching="exact".

Tested code

The Tested Code section shows the code that is compiled and then tested after a Replacement and/or Substitution was performed.


This section is only shown if a a Replacement and/or Substitution was performed. It can be disabled by setting the show_substitution argument. For more details about show_substitution and how it is used, see section start> matching="exact" and start> matching="regex" .


The Hint section of the test case details displays a hint defined for the given test case. If no hint was defined, (none) is added to the section title for clarification. Additionally, the message No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully! is added to the hint section.

Domain-Specific Language (DSL)

This DSL is used to define IO-test cases for this framework. The supported commands are (in order of possible occurrence):

  • start> (required) marks the start of a test case

  • r> (optional) defines a replacement (replacement of a predefined character sequence with a character sequence defined in the test definition)

  • s> (optional) defines a substitution (substitution of the initialization of a predefined variable with another value)

  • p> (optional) command line parameters. Each parameter as a string.

  • Statement (can be used multiple times and in arbitrary order):

    • i> (optional) input: value that will be piped to the executables stdin. All defined input values are concatenated. A \n is added after each value.

    • o> (optional) output: confront the details for matching="regex" and matching="exact" in their respective sections.

    • e> (optional) error: confront the details for matching="regex" and matching="exact" in their respective sections.

    • v> (optional) variable: defines a variable that is valid for the rest of the test case definition.

  • end> (required) marks the end of the test case.

More details on each instruction and its required parameters are given below.

Start start>

The keyword start> marks the beginning of an IO-test case. It supports a series of optional arguments depending on the chosen matching strategy. The matching strategy determines how output comparison works and how the feedback is generated. Possible values for matching are "exact" and "regex".

start> matching="exact"

In case of matching="exact" for o> and e> elements exact matching is performed. In this case, a diff between the expected and obtained output can be shown.

Example diff output:

  • obtained output = the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven

  • expected output = The number 5 is not divisible by seven!

  • diff output = [-t][+T]he number [11=>should change automatically if n changes!] is [-NOT][+not] divi[-s]sible by s[+e]ven[+!]

The values in [] show the necessary changes to get to the expected output. Possible operators are:

  • + add characters

  • - remove characters

  • -> replace characters

  • => dedicated error hint/message

Additionally the following optional arguments are supported:

  • show_input (default= false): If true, feedback for the students includes the command line argument(s) and the stdin-input provided to the executable. By default, command-line arguments and stdin-input are not shown in case of errors occur.

  • show_output (default= true): If false, feedback for the students does not include the output their program provided on stdout and stderr. By default, if the stdout-output differs from the expected stdout-output, it is shown in the feedback. The same holds for stderr-output.

  • show_expected (default= false): If true, feedback for the students contains the expected output as defined in the test definition. By default, the expected output on stdout and stderr is not shown in case errors occur.

  • show_diff (default= true): If false, feedback for the students does not contain the diff output like it is shown in the third line of the example above. By default the diff to the expected output on stdout and/or stderr is shown in case an error occurs.

  • hint (default= No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!): The string assigned to this argument is added to the error message provided to the student in the Hint section of the testfeedback. If no hint is defined the default message is printed.

  • ignore_cases (default= false): If true the comparison of expected and obtained output for stdout and stderr is done in a case insensitive manner. By default the comparison is case sensitive.

  • rstrip (default= false): If true trailing whitespace characters at the end of the concatenated output string are removed before comparison. By default the output string is not modified before comparison.

  • line_rstrip (default= false): If true trailing blanks and tabs at the end of each line are ignored.

  • escape (no default): The string assigned to this argument defines the character escape sequence that starts and ends code injection. Code can be injected in i>, o>, e> and p> statements

  • show_substitution (default= true): If false the feedback does not contain the code after Replacement and/or Substitution. By default this section is only present if at least one Replacement or Substitution was performed.

  • printable_ascii (default= false): If true the output can contain only printable ascii characters.


Minimal start> for exact:

start> matching="exact"

Maximal start> for exact with default values:

start> matching="exact" show_input=False show_output=True show_expected=False show_diff=True
       ignore_cases=False rstrip=False line_rstrip=False show_substitution=True
       hint="No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!"


  • escape has no default value and is thus not mentioned in the maximal example with default values (confront Example 1 (escape) for an example on how to use escape)

  • This produces the same error message the minimal example produces.

start> matching="regex"

In case of matching="regex" for o> and e> elements regex matching is performed. Additionally the following optional arguments are supported:

  • show_input (default= false): If true, feedback for the students includes the command line argument(s) and the stdin-input provided to the executable. By default, command-line arguments and stdin-input are not shown in case errors occur.

  • show_output (default= true): If false, feedback for the students does not include the output their program provided on stdout. By default, if the stdout-output differs from the expected stdout-output, it is shown in the feedback.

  • show_error (default= true): If false, feedback for the students does not include the output their program provided on stderr. By default, if the stderr-output differs from the expected stderr-output it is shown in the feedback.

  • hint (default= No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!): The string assigned to this argument is added to the error message provided to the student in the Hint section of the testfeedback. If no hint is defined the default message is printed.

  • escape (no default): The string assigned to this argument defines the character escape sequence that starts and ends code injection. Code can be injected in i>, o>, e> and p> statements

  • show_substitution (default= true): If false the feedback does not contain the code after Replacement and/or Substitution. By defaultthis section is only present if at least one Replacement or Substitution was performed.

  • printable_ascii (default= false): If true the output can contain only printable ascii characters.


Minimal start> for regex:

start> matching="regex"

Maximal start> for regex with default values:

start> matching="regex" show_input=False show_output=True show_error=True show_substitution=True
       hint="No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!"


  • escape has no default value and is thus not mentioned in the maximal example with default values (confront Example 1 (escape) for an example on how to use escape)

  • This produces the same error message the minimal example produces.

Replacement r>

The keyword r> defines a replacement, which is the replacement of substrings matching a predefined regular expression with a predefined string in the submitted code file. It is possible to define 0 or more replacements per test case. Each replacement has the following required parameters:

  1. pattern: all parts of the code file matching this python regex pattern are replaced with the second argument. Type: STRING

  2. replacement: all character sequences matching the first argument are replaced by this character sequence. Type: STRING

  3. hint: character sequence that is shown in the error message should replacement fail. Type: STRING

  4. num_matches: number of expected matches in the code. If the pattern does not match the given number of times, the substitution is considered a failure, and an error message containing the hint is shown. Type: INT


Before performing the replacement, comments in the code are removed.


r> "\"Hello World\\n\"" "\"Hello People!\\n\"" "Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your code should contain the character sequence '\"Hello World\n\"' exactly once!" 1


The character " has to be escaped inside a string. The same goes for the character \

Substitution s>

The keyword s> defines a substitution, which is the substitution of a variable’s initialization with a predefined value. It is possible to define 0 or more substitutions per test case. Each substitution has the following required parameters:

  1. variable: all initializations of the variable matching this regex pattern are replaced with the second argument. Type: STRING

  2. value: this character sequence replaces the value the variable was initialized with. Type: STRING

  3. hint: character sequence that is shown in the error message should substitution fail. Type: STRING

  4. num_matches: number of expected matches in the code. If the number if initializations of the given variable does not match the given number of times, the substitution is considered a failure, and an error message containing the hint is shown. Type: INT


Before performing the substitution, comments in the code are removed.


Task: Define a variable named n of type int. Initialize n with an integer value of your choice between 1 and 2000 (limits included) and print the following text where <n> should be the value you initialized n with.

The value of n is <n>!

Full IO-test case definition:

start> matching="exact" rstrip=True
s> "n" "100" "Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your printf statement should not be hard coded!" 1
o> "The value of n is 100!"
end> 0
  • Solution 1 (accepted):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main() {
        int n = 12;
        printf("The value of n is %d!\n", n);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  • Solution 2 (not accepted):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main() {
        printf("The value of n is 100!\n");
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    Resulting error message:

    Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:
    Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your printf statement should not be hardcoded!
  • Solution 3 (possibly accepted):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main() {
        int n = 1;
        printf("The value of n is 100!\n");
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    Depending on the flags used for compilation, this solution may be accepted even though the variable n was never used. By adding a second test case and changing the substitution value hardcoded outputs can always be detected.

    Improved testcase definition:

    start> matching="exact" rstrip=True
    s> "n" "100" "Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your printf statement should not be hard coded!" 1
    o> "The value of n is 100!"
    end> 0
    start> matching="exact" rstrip=True
    s> "n" "110" "Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your printf statement should not be hardcoded!" 1
    o> "The value of n is 110!"
    end> 0

    Resulting error message:

    Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:
                                          Test case
    Correct return code! Expected: '0' Obtained: '0'
    Wrong output on stdout!
    Correct output on stderr!
    - In line 4 of the tested code the value 1 assigned to n has been substituted with 110.
    Obtained output on stdout
    The value of n is 100!
    Hint stdout
    The value of n is 1[0->1]0!
    Tested code
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main() {
        int n = 110;
        printf("The value of n is 100!\n");
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    Hint (none)
    No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!

Command-line parameters p>

The keyword p> defines the command line parameters, that is the command-line arguments given to the executable. The parameters are a list of double-quoted strings separated by a whitespace character. Each string corresponds to a separate parameter. The absence of p> in an IO-test case definition means no command line parameters.


p> "content of argv[1]" "content of argv[2]"


Statements are the main elements of an IO-test case. The different kinds of statements can occur multiple times in the same test case definition. The order they can appear in is arbitrary. Please note that o> and e> statements differ slightly for matching="regex" and matching="exact". More details are given in their in their respective sections.

Input i>

The keyword i> defines input that is piped to stdin. It expects an argument of type STRING. All i> strings of one test case are joined with newline characters and piped to the stdin stream of the tested executable. Additionally, python code can be injected in the input statement if an escape sequence has been defined beforehand as an argument of start> (escape is available for both regex, and exact matching).

Example 1

The segment

i> "1"
i> "1"
i> "1"
i> "1"

would result in "1\n1\n1\n1\n" being piped to the tested executable stdin stream. The same can be achieved by simply writing

i> "1\n1\n1\n1"


Example 2: The following test definition generates the current date in the format YYYY-mm-dd as input for the program.

start> matching="exact" show_input=True escape="$$"
i> "$$import time; print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))$$"
end> 0

Output o>

The keyword o> defines output that is expected on stdout. The o> sections slightly differ between matching="regex" and matching="exact" more details on the differences in the respective sections below.

o> for matching="regex"

Within the matching="regex" context o> expects one argument of type STRING. This string is interpreted as a python regex. All o> strings of one test case are joined, the stdout output of the tested executable is matched against the resulting regex.


The segment

o> "Hello World!?\n?"

would accept all executables that produce the string Hello World followed by an optional exclamation point character and an optional newline character on the stdout stream. The same can be achieved by writing

o> "Hello "
o> "World"
o> "!?\n?"
o> for matching="exact"

Within the matching="exact" context o> expects one argument of type STRING. Optionally, a second STRING can be provided. The first argument is the exact character sequence that is expected as the output on stdout. The second - optional - argument defines a dedicated error hint or message that is shown if the first argument does not match the output exactly. If the second argument is missing, the hint is automatically generated to showcase the necessary changes in the output.


The segment

o> "The resulting number is: "
o> "5" "wrong computation!"
o> "!"

would only accept the character sequence The resulting number is: 5!. Let’s suppose the output produced by the analyzed program was the resullting numbr is: 11!! then the diff feedback would be [-t][+T]he resu[-l]lting numb[+e]r is: [11=>wrong computation!]![-!]. Let’s split the feedback up into three parts (the three parts of the output declaration):

  • [-t][+T]he resu[-l]lting numb[+e]r is: for the first part all necessary changes are shown individually.

  • [11=>wrong computation!] for the second part, only the error message and no diff is shown because the additional argument was given in the second line of the o> defined above.

  • ![-!] for the third part, all necessary changes are shown individually.

Possible operators inside of [] are:

  • + add characters

  • - remove characters

  • -> replace characters

  • => dedicated error hint/message

Error e>

The keyword e> defines output that is expected on stderr. The e> sections slightly differ between matching="regex" and matching="exact". The e> keyword works basically the same as the o> keyword with stderr instead of stdout and e> instead of o>.

Variable v>

The keyword v> defines a variable definition for statements, i.e., from the definition point onwards, each character sequence defined in the first argument appears inside an argument of non-variable definition statements is replaced by the character sequence defined in the second argument. It expects the following arguments:

  1. var_name: the character sequence serving as a variable, i.e., the character sequence that is to be replaced. Type: STRING

  2. value: each occurrence of the first argument inside an argument of a non-variable definition statement is replaced by this character sequence. Type: STRING


In the following example, | stands for zero to five blank or tab characters.

v> "|" "[ \t]{0,5}"

o> "|a: |5\n"
o> "|b: |2\n"
o> "|c: |3\n"
o> "|other: |10[\n]*"

the same statements without variable substitution would be

o> "[ \t]{0,5}a: [ \t]{0,5}5\n"
o> "[ \t]{0,5}b: [ \t]{0,5}2\n"
o> "[ \t]{0,5}c: [ \t]{0,5}3\n"
o> "[ \t]{0,5}other: [ \t]{0,5}10[\n]*"


Variables in statements have been introduced to make statements more comfortable to read and less cluttered with regular expressions. The variable names have to be chosen carefully because every occurrence of the var_name character sequence is replaced by value!

Delimiter end>

The keyword end> marks the end of an IO-test case. Optionally, a list of one or more INT-values separated by , can be given. These arguments represent the accepted exit-codes for the program. If no INT-values are given all exit-codes are accepted.


end> 0
end> 1
end> 1,2,3


Example 1 escape :

IO-Test definition:

start> matching="exact" escape="$$"
o> "Date: $$import time; print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end='')$$"
end> 0

Solution 1 (accepted):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm* tm;
    char date[11];
    tm = localtime(&t);

    strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y-%m-%d", tm);
    printf("Date: %s", date);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Solution 2 (not accepted):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm* tm;
    char date[11];
    tm = localtime(&t);

    strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%Y-%m-%d", tm);
    printf("%s\n", date);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Error feedback for solution 2:

Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:

                                           Test case

Correct return code! Expected: '0' Obtained: '0'
Wrong output on stdout!
Correct output on stderr!

Obtained output on stdout

Hint stdout
[+Date: ]2021-11-12[-

Hint (none)
No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!

Example 2:

IO-Test definition:

start> matching="exact" show_input=true show_expected=true rstrip=true
s> "n" "5" "Please, read the exercise description very carefully! Your printf statement should not be hard coded!" 1
o> "The number "
o> "5" "should change automatically if n changes!"
o> " is not divisible by seven!"
end> 0

Solution 1 (accepted):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    int n = 11;
    if (n % 7) {
        printf("The number %d is not divisible by seven!\n", n);
    } else {
        printf("The number %d is divisible by seven!\n", n);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Solution 2 (not accepted):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    int n = 11;
    if (n % 7) {
        printf("the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven\n");
    } else {
        printf("the number %d is divissible by sven\n", n);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Error feedback for solution 2:

Error: The output of your program does not match the expected output. In total 1 test case failed:

                                      Test case

Correct return code! Expected: '0' Obtained: '0'
Wrong output on stdout!
Wrong output on stderr!

Commandline parameters (none)

Input (none)

- In line 4 of the tested code the value 11 assigned to n has been substituted with 5.

Obtained output on stdout
the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven

Expected output on stdout
The number 5 is not divisible by seven!

Hint stdout
[-t][+T]he number [11=>should change automatically if n changes!] is [-NOT][+not] divi[-s]sible by s[+e]ven[+!]

Obtained output on stderr
Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!

Expected output on stderr (none)

Hint stderr
[-Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!]

Tested code
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
    int n = 5;
    if (n % 7) {
        printf("the number 11 is NOT divissible by sven\n");
    } else {
        printf("the number %d is divissible by sven\n", n);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error message to make the stderr paragraphs appear!\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Hint (none)
No hint available! Please, read the exercise description very carefully!